Green Path for Community Success

The GP-COSU is an acronym for Green Path for Community Success it is a non- governmental organization, which was founded in year 2017 and in January 2018 got registered with No. 00NGO/0009468.GP-COSU is registered to operate at National Level in (Tanzania Mainland) under the governing constitution of GP-COSU.


A community that is economically stable, healthy, well-educated within conducive environment and whereas people’s respect, kindness, gender quality, human rights and the rule of law are norms.


Inspire to work and empower individuals and families in the poorest communities in the United Republic Tanzania

Mainland for better livelihood in Socio-Economic sectors to end up hunger and poverty through quality education provision support, gender equality and inclusion.

Major Accomplishments:

Permanent staff employed by GP-COSU
Local citizens volunteers and (2) international citizens
Identified vulnerable children in Ilboru Ward
Identified street children in Arusha City around Central Market ward

Developed alliance with Arusha Non-Government Organization network

Identified one residential house to accommodate 20 kids under 10 years most vulnerable children. Currently we are accommodating 12 kids- 9 boys and 3 girls. We also run an outreach program to provide education, health, food, psychical social counselling services to them and their guardians or parents.

What We Do.


Education is the key of life. Through education, we unlock the future for children. Most vulnerable children don’t have the privilege of accessing Education. Education is the difference between failure and success. It is the difference between poverty and plenty. Without an education, jobs are hard to come by, and without a job, a mother or father cannot feed their children. As GP-COSU, it is our vision to procure teaching facilities and equipment for basic education, payment of school fees for early childhood education, primary education, secondary, college education, provide vocational training and apprenticeship and further studies, visits to schools to promote retention. Education is like teaching a man to fish than giving him fish every day.


What we have found is that, quality education, proper nutrition are one of the most reliable factors which determine a child’s ability to succeed. More often than not, children receive their best meal of the day while attending school where lunch is provided. They look forward to coming to school to not only learn, meet new friends, and be cared for but also to eat! We at the GP-COSU believe in providing nutritious meals to our children to boost their learning capacities. An angry stomach cannot comprehend and retain what is taught at school.


Poverty and brokenness are stigmas surrounding families that are uneducated, living in poverty, and unable to provide for themselves .Often, these stigmas hold families back from asking for help, and the results is never positive.

It is our vision to provide opportunities for families to break cycles of poverty, illiteracy and homelessness, we see hope penetrate in and transform entire communities. Through our Programs, we provide tools and training for families to learn agricultural skills, healthcare, outreach care support teaching them about responsibility, vocational training, work ethic, helping them put food on the table and money in their pockets will bring community transformation and better livelihoods.

Family Care

The family is God’s design. Life’s greatest blessing is the love of a family GP-COSU aims at helping hurting families recover and heal and allowing vulnerable children to remain in their homes, GP-COSU endeavors to help children and their parents learn how to relate to one another in healthy way. Children thrive when they grow up in a family setting, and there is no better place for them to experience healthy family dynamics than in their own homes. Many of the estimated 146 million orphans in the world today have at least one living parent. Alcoholism, drug abuse violence and financial hardship all wreak havoc on families, placing children in at-risk situations. Families find hope and healing through our projects.



Founder & Director

Elirehema was born & raised in Arusha Tanzania, East Africa.

 As a Christian, I strongly believe that God created the world for everyone, & His greatest desire is that all men should be provided for daily as stated in the Lord’s Prayer, “give us this day our daily bread”. I also believe that God will pronounce judgment upon those who exploit abuse & neglect the poor as mentioned in the Bible. I believe that religion that is pure & undefiled before God the Father, is one that visits & cares for orphans, widows & the afflicted and to keep ourselves unstained from the world (James 1:27). In Isaiah 1:17 “we are instructed to be good, seek justice, correct oppression, defend the fatherless and plead the widow’s cause.” In Exodus 22: 22-24 it states, “Ye shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me,

I will surely hear their cry and my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless. These bible verses really inspired me to embark on the formation of Green Path for Community Success (GP-COSU) to bring true hope to the above-mentioned groups of people. My vision and desire is to help the vulnerable children get quality education and training so that they can have a bright future and hope and be self-sustained.


Core Values:

The organization subscribes to the following values: Integrity, Honesty, Openness, Diligence, Morality, Peaceful Co-Existence, Love, Reconciliation, Sharing, Justice, Commitment and Responsibility


Beloved brothers and sisters, thank you for walking with Green Path for Community Success (GO-COSU) by choosing to support our efforts. Your love of children and disadvantaged youths is inspired by the love and joy in your hearts, and we thank you sincerely. GP-COSU is a registered NGO – ooNGO/0009468. If you would like to support us, we welcome donations through account number: Bank name: Absa Bank Tanzania Limited Account Name: Green Path for community success. Account number:
002 6001641. Swift code: BARCTZTZ  Or  M-Pesa mobile money no: +255 769200083, name: COMMUNITY SUCCESS GP.